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If your forum application isn't approved...
  • Some forum applicants are not approved because either their email looks like fake or their provided text looks like spam, according to the administrator's judgment (currently me).

    If you have applied for an account at our forum and your application hasn't been approved, please re-apply and try to provide more details on the "Why do you want to join?" text box, using either English, Portuguese, Spanish or French. Please try to provide enough details to persuade the administrator that you really want to participate in the forum. If the explanation is empty or contains less than 5 words, it will probably be denied.

    I'd like to allow any user to join our forum without the need for manual approval, but this would turn this forum into a paradise for spammers, and would require more time from us to remove spam messages and delete the corresponding user accounts.
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Terrific elifarley. Keep up the important work, much appreciated the manual approval. Too many good forums have get turned to slop.

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