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Hi, I am Brian from Ireland, now in Victoria BC Canada
  • I am just here to share my solar stuff Tracking solar accumulator, solar design T-square, clam shaped solar cookers and the mechanical mathematician and my compost stuff, 2 story compost bin, and my windowfarms/ pulser pump stuff.  (The pulser pump and pulser pump nano). Feel free to work with any and all of it. The tracking solar accumulator project is the design of a mount and reflector for solar thermal collecting.  It is to be a cheaper simpler alternative to the Scheffler dishes.  (Something I can do).  My youtube is and most of the stuff is available there.
    I am  not much good  for documentation  and presentation unfortunately but there is lots of useful stuff there.
    I work as a stonemason so that leaves very little time or energy for experimentation.
    Brian White
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Welcome Brian, I'm in Burnaby, near Vancouver. 

    The Dawg

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