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The wiki is malfunctioning a bit
  • The wiki is exhibiting some significant malfunction and I thought I should mention this so the problem does not grow.

    To see it, go here:

    click on the diff thing for one of his edits on the nife battery page.

    The page that appears in the comparison thing is different than the page that you see if you go to the nife battery page and click on "discussion".  There are 4 comments that end up missing, 2 of mine and 1 from James and one from Bhm.  I don't know exactly how many edits that is, but I thought if the wiki is inadvertently destroying edits I should mention that.

    Anyone else notice this?

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Gregor,

    Thanks for pointing this problem.

    I have visited the talk page at

    There, I can see 2 of your comments, 1 from James and 1 from Bhm.

    It seems that this problem showed up for Nikolay on this page: - he can only see an old version of that page.

    I suppose some sort of government firewall is not properly loading the latest version of our pages. Are you based on Germany, as Nikolay is?
  • No, I am in Ottawa, Canada.  I'm pretty sure there is no firewall here :).  Maybe it is the ISP using caching or something, I don't know.

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