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Yves Gufflet from Grenoble, France
  • Hello,

    My name is Yves Gufflet, I am a french freelancer in IT and I am interested in the project OSE. First of all I want to describe myself.

    After having a master industry-oriented in IT in 1998 I worked for a big consulting group. I decided that the money was too much present in the environnement, I resigned and took back a master research-oriented in Artificial Intelligence in 2003. Then I worked for research centers. I saw that it was difficult to make to exists questions about the sens of technology in these environnement and I decided to stop and to engage myself in freelance in 2010. I am trying now to work on interesting subject : associations, artists, etc.... Thus, my main goal is to give sens to my work, to the technologies and to my life.

    You can see some of my realisations here :
    * SYR the coolest ecorobot of the world, who is build up from recuperation materials since he is ecological, and available to the all planet if she desires it, since he is generous and that he doesn't force anybody. SYR is a very sympathetic and philosophical robot, the first one in fact who make you smile just when you think about him.
    * Matrice Active, abstract painting of Kandinsky revisited with multi agent systems :
    * HumanREPORT, a website to promote solidarity initiative with video :

    Since all these years with computers, I am some kind of expert of can work on very various things from internet web site to programming microcontroller, passing by 3D development and artificial intelligence algorithms. I don't think there is things that are too complicated now in IT, it is just a matter of time, excepted if there is a lot of mathematics, but even there I could surprise myself. I do not know how I could help the OSE project. On a technical point of view, I could work on website, robotic, computer vision, microcontrollers for example.

    Regarding to my available time, it is very reduced but I couldn't ignore my interest in the OSE project and to share it with you. I am already benevolent in association working with complementary currency, that is some kind of democratic money, that offers some new tools to organize people together. The rest of the time I am searching for interesting mission that could bring me money to pay my rent. I am not sure if it could be possible through OSE. In all case, I am open minded to discussion and I do not want to put some constraints or brakes that could avoid potential things to happen. I am just making a step in front of me each day, doing exactly the same with the other foot the next day.

    That's all about me. I do not know what are the next steps regarding me and OSE so the ball is on your side.

    I will post an idea I have about a robot able to build a house with straw on another forum subject.


  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • I think our biggest hurdle in the tech area is getting everything we have online to be accessible and connection people to the plans we already have.

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