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White cliffs solar-steam, project comparison with modern solar panels and dish stirling
  • Okay I have read most of the white cliffs pdfs, and my suspicions are very much confirmed: stirling engines would be far superior, and secondly the solar fire coupled with steam engine is on very shaky ground. I am now even more skeptical that it will produce electricity at a reasonable cost, probably it will end up costing much more than solar panels. It will also end up with major maintenance costs. However there is still hope for dish stirling, especially if a biomass burner could be added for night and overcast weather (with the whole shebang located right at the focus of the collector still). Biomass still seems to be the best economically though if biomass is available at a reasonable price like less than $100 per ton.

    Edit: the below looks entirely illiterate, but they are just my personal notes
    whitecliffs evaluation

    april 87 insolation 49290
    april 87 electric output 1848
    efficency :3.7%

    december 87 to and including november 88 it was 16393 output electrical (before storage/ retrieval from batteries, see below not clear if they were loading the system optimally for maximum energy extraction or if this is just the result of a practical power system operating procedure )
    insolation december 87 to and including nov 88 575930

    total effieciency overall : 2.84%

    When the steam engine was actually running it got about 20% efficiency it is not clear exactly what this is a measure of, it appears and probably is input heat absorbed by boiler/shaft power. This is more than what is expected by the FeF steam engine.

    It's not clear either to what degree the loading variations caused problems or what might be viewed as insufficient battery capacity (not a design problem just in terms of capturing maximum possible energy output) here either, for example if the batteries were fully charged but the town drew no power they may not have kept the engine running, thereby forfeiting that energy which could have been extracted from the solar array (because there is nowhere to put it). But that is not clear from the parts of the doc I had time to read.

    Note that lead acid are very inefficient at high charge levels 50% or so above 90%, nickel iron might be a perk there too, in the whitecliffs project they are talking about the actual battery storage/retrieval being about 63-67% efficient which makes little sense unless there is another voltage conversion step or the charge voltage is not matched to the battery voltage appropriately, with overall round trip from electrical in to electrical out (after the inverter) of 37% or so (not a huge surprise since they are using a mechanical inverter). This doesn't really apply to us, though total system design needs to factor this in. This sort of problem is greatly reduced for a biomass system, note.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Obviously, for any given absorber situation( the area of absorber, the amount of sunlight energy hitting it, the degree to which it is insulated from the environment against natural buoyant convection and heat loss due to air motion from wind, the emissivity of it's surface etc.) the higher it's temperature the more energy you lose to the environment. So we need to look at the function of solar input, ambient temperature, windspeed, emissivity etc. and then take the function which describes the temperature of the heat engine's input that maps to it's efficiency of converting said heat to electricity, mulitply the two for a function describing net energy output at a given absorber temperature, and then solve to find the optimum temperature at which to operate the absorber. In other words during a less sunny day you might net more electricity if you actually operate the absorber/boiler at a lower temperature than 500 degrees. This does not seem to have been done in the white cliffs project although maybe it was done with control systems with searching algorithms or I missed that part.

    It appears that collector efficiency was quite good even at low insolation levels, but would probably be lower for the solar fire due to lower concentration ratio, which was about 175 for this thing.

    it is clear from table xvi on page 253 and onwards that maintenance is a major issue for this thing even after the initial issues were worked out, including several days downtime per year , new pistons and all kinds of stuff as things wear out on it, and the cost must be substantial. Components need to be replaced after several thousand hours! That's not long really. In the case of biomass the assumption is that it is running almost all the time, so that is a couple times a year.

    cost 163,000 for actual electricity generation stuff and collectory use energy output and compare with soalr panels , need to adjust for inflation etc. too that was in 88 assuming 2.3% that is equivalent to $280,000 eyeballing from the figures, in columbia missouri they get about 7 sun hours a day in snew south wales ( so 210 per month average so multiply by 10% for cheap solar panels, 21 kWh for a 1 kw array assume $2 per watt, to produce the 1880 kWh per month in april you would need $179,000 of solar panels. However this is a prototype system. But again maintenance is going to kill you most likely. Also they may have been raising the grade of heat using the oil fired boiler so that 1880 figure might be too high etc. However there is clearly promise here for maintenance free stirlings.

    if people in this community are to earn $250 an hour the maintenance issues are even worse.

    this is in australia where there is craploads of sun 7 sun hours per day vs 4.73 in missouri, biomass is that much more favorable in missouri therefore.

    all the auxiliary stuff consumes a ton of energy as shown in table xIII page 219 from 10 to 20 percent of total , transmission losses are large, none of which are a problem for stirlings,

    figure 79 seems to have a mistake, it is assumed that the pumping losses are taken directly out of the steam energy but they are not, they are taken from either electric or shaft power

    BTW free piston engines produce power at a very consistent freuency which can readily be designed to be 60 hz as they have a resonant mass- spring system and their frequency ouptut does not change as their output power changes.
  • I just noticed browsing the wiki recent changes page that Marcin mentioned that there was something in the whitecliffs doc about stirlings and why they were not chosen. After convertign the doc to text with I searched it and found

    Heat-to-Mechanical Work Conversion

    We would have preferred to use latest heat engine technology which promises higher
    heat-to-mechanical work conversion efficiencies. For example a suitable Stirling Cy-
    cle engine might be expected to have more than twice the conversion efficiency
    of a high performance Rankine engine of the kind eventually developed for White
    Cliffs, But in 1979 reliable cost-effective Stirling engines suitable for solar appli-
    cation seemed removed from near term availability; in 1987/88 this still seems fair

    These engines are now developed.

    sustain_renew_solar_white_cliffs_project_report.txt 90K

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