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Game for the Classroom
  • I have been devoting some time to thinking about the potential applications of OSE and our standards in the classroom.

    This idea needs a bit more development to be practical, so please speak up. I think it would be fun.

    One would be teaching part of a math lesson along the lines of information law used in agriculture/pharmaceuticals. Each student would be given the capacity to develop three ideas. After each student has developed an idea, they can patent it and anyone else using that idea needs to pay them to use these ideas.

    For example, an enterprising student could patent numbers and mathematical operations, or even names and writing, then each future student would need to pay to use them. Another student could patent the idea 2+2=4.

    After 10 minutes of patenting and challenges against patents, the student would take a test.

    They would receive points as standard for each element of the test at a rate of two points per correct answer (name counting as an answer).

    Then students would be given the opportunity to set a price to patent use, and maybe develop corporations.

    Perhaps the student that patented writing could team up with the student that patented numbers and operations- then they would not need to pay each other. Students scores would then be adjusted according to the points they received and the points they had to pay.

    I imagine that this would result in several students exceeding 100% and many students coming close to failing.

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