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Presentation on OpenSource Ecology
  • Hi, recently I have seen the video introducing the global billage construction kit at Ted and after I discussed it with a professor in my university he asked me to prepare a presentation on this project for a PhD course on Free Software. Can you suggest me documentation or other sources I could use to prepare it? Do you think could be useful to share the presentation?
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • GVCS Wiki has about 2000 pages of documentation. Much of it is incomplete because the project as a whole is perhaps 15% complete (based on number of finished machines), but it's a good source of information.

    Are you using "Free" in the sense of "zero price", or in the sense of "under an open license and free to modify"? Those are quite different even though you can lump them together under the same word. OSE designs are intended to be free in both senses. The actual hardware as finished items are being sold at a price because the labor and parts that go into building them are not free. In the future, generous or very productive people might give away surplus machines to help others get started.
  • These pages may help you:
    1. Crash Course on OSE (a page started by @nikolayhg)
    2. FAQs
    3. GVCS page at

  • I am a fan of the Free Beer, Free Speech discussion. It is well addressed here:

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