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Introducing Sidnei Barrientos
  • Hi there fellow members.

    I am Sidnei Barrientos (Sidnelsom is a nickname!). I live in Rio, Brasil. Im always worried about sustainability (and economic freedom).

    Im highly influenced by my family in architecture and design, i work as a software developer, and i study Electric Engineering. The OSE initiative is awesome, and of course it was easy for me to decide to help.

    My plan for now is to improve the access for new people to help the project, and somehow make easy for newbies to understand what is the project, and how to build the machines in their own communities. I already helped in some issues in the site usability... but i want to make the site more and more easy to use, so people fell invited to collaborate.

    Of course, later im planning to build, somehow, each one of the tools... get people together, and teach people that need the tools to build them. Put the knowledge in the peoples hands.

    Thats it guys. Fell free to contact me asking for help. Until now i helped through my contact with Elifarley (We work together), and didnt spend a decent time inside the network... but from now on i want to be more active.


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