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How Is The Sustainable Farming Focused?

  • I applaud the general direction and many of the ideas here.

    But I'm wondering what farming methods are being promoted, and what directions these methods are being focused.

    Are things being focused in a permaculture / one-straw revolution kind of way...

    ...or the more typical methods of destructively plowing up all the plants, exposing the earth, and planting seeds, etc?

    It's one thing to make blueprints and videos on how to make tools for farming, which is truly great, but are there extensive discussions on how to do sustainable non-destructive farming, as well?

    And the resources necessary (metals, etc) to create these tools -- also sustainable?

    I'm new to this forum, so please send links if these things are already being discussed.

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  • @happypedro I think it would be valuable to provide as much information to people as possible. It is likely that many of our early supporters will be experienced farmers, people used to doing things a certain way. However, there will also be pure newbies as part of our goal is to reduce startup costs. Both groups of people could benefit greatly from solid information.

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