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Aspiring Polymath
  • Hi All;
    My name is Colin, and I'm from southern Illinois. I'm a hopeful systems/industrial engineer (likely 2 years from graduation) and strong advocate for the FLOSS community (with more of a focus on open-source for pragmatic reasons). I've recently taken introductory welding and machining courses, and I'm hungry for more. If I had the chance to work at FeF, I'd jump at it. I'm hoping that I might be useful to the organization during my breaks (summer and spring) and when I graduate from University.

    I discovered the fledgling OSE 'openfarmtech' wiki, unsure of what it was around 3-4 years ago through the 'open source hardware' wikipedia page. I was probably 17 then, and a bit of an angsty teenager. Now I'm a 21 year old who's been through an unwelcome hiatus from university and a much needed self-discovery which puts me on target to work for everything that OSE is about.

    I do sincerely hope that I can offer some real value to this community.

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