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TOORWIND, the better wind generator
  • Wow!!

    I'm sorry, but I forgot in OSE we works in generators too... I'm really sorry. I explain:

    Two years ago, I met Marc, from Barcelona, in Spain, a young engineer.

    He told me his project "ToorWind" ( → in Spanish)


    [That's a toorwind]

    The project is licensed as "World Heritage" and his idea is than it helps everybody make its own energy with less human impact. Some prototipes is in developement, and here I put a video.

    VIDEO: ToorWind PROTOTYPES working in Barcelona.

    ¿¿Somebody wants work in this?? I don't know too much english, but I think (I hope) he can speak in english with no problem.

  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • This sounds nice to me!
    What are you planning to do?

    Además podemos hablar en español jajaja

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